[BT] 【转载】ATV《法网群英》下载汇总【0830更新至第26集】

本帖最后由 Felin 于 2010-7-29 06:46 PM 编辑
garytang 发表于 2010-7-28 11:20 PM

    All the series can be uploaded to Internet only a little slower than they were broadcasted on TV (the time is about 1hr for some speedy website). 'Cause some people record them fr TV and convert to computer standard, upload to Internet as seeds. That is one reason of why more and more audience do not watch TV. They can get programs fr Internet.

sorry for unable of typying Chinese suddenly.

p.s.: Have our forum changed into a fans club of Gary's works instead of those gentlemen or ladies? hahaha. Only a joke.



要从心底拿走一个人 很痛 很难


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