[妙手] 【原创】【连载】The Moon in the Blue

[妙手] 【原创】【连载】The Moon in the Blue

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It is the first time that I write a story for you all. I always think about how would Annie live if Henry is not being with her. I hope you would enjoy it.

[left]Dear apple!We always know you are a lovely friend.We are glad to see your story about Annie.It's a good story.Sorry I'm not good at English,so I just prize you with 100 virtual money.Looking forwatd to your continuing! +100魔法币 By Felin[/left]
[left] [/left]
[left]Sorry for wirting in english. As I am wirting to you all in HK, and I don't know how to type in simplified chinese characters, therefore I have to wirte in english. Thank you to  Patton. You are really a great translator![/left]
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[FONT=Century Gothic][FONT=Times New Roman][FONT=Lucida Console][COLOR=Pink][FONT=Lucida Sans Unicode]God Bless You All !~~~~~~Myownapple[/FONT][/COLOR][/FONT][/FONT][/FONT]

回复: The Moon in the Blue

12<SUP>th</SUP> September

13:00 Office

Today is the Mid-autumn Festival. This morning I am very happy because I have won the case. I don’t think I should go to the hospital now. I have to finish Mr. X ‘s case in the afternoon and I will meet him tonight. He knows that he is my only relatives. I am thinking about my brother and Jackie again.

17:00 Office

I have just finished my work on time. He had called me at about 15:00 and he want to meet me at about 18:00 in Central. What will he prepare for me?

21:00 Home

Up in the sky, the full moon is hanging against the dark blue curtain. Full moon, why you do not come down and comfort your sister? Do you see your sister is crying? And where is the Asteroid B-612? Where are you, Jackie? You promise me you will give me a lot of bells after you have left. Where are they? I want to listen to their sound, the sound of angels. Moon and Star, tell me why I am alone? Why he lets me fly away? Why we have broken up?
[FONT=Century Gothic][FONT=Times New Roman][FONT=Lucida Console][COLOR=Pink][FONT=Lucida Sans Unicode]God Bless You All !~~~~~~Myownapple[/FONT][/COLOR][/FONT][/FONT][/FONT]


回复: The Moon in the Blue

13<SUP>th</SUP> September


Today is a public holiday. I need not go to work. This morning, I woke up at about 9 o’clock, but stay in bed until one o’clock, as I was already very hungry at that time. I opened the refrigerator and try to find some frozen food to eat. However, all of them are bought by him. Yes, in the past few years, he bought me a lot of things every week, frozen food, fruit juice, wine, snacks, etc. He was just afraid that I had no time to cook for myself. Yet, these days were gone. I have no mood to eat these things.

I turned on the television to watch the news.

“There was a car accident in Shatin. The casualties were sent to the XX Hospital. They all have been released after being treated in the Emergency Room… … ”

Yes, the doctors in this hospital cured the patients and left me alone.

I went to the plaza and bought a rice box for my lunch. I do not know why the taste of the food is so terrible. Maybe the major cook is in hospital… …
[FONT=Century Gothic][FONT=Times New Roman][FONT=Lucida Console][COLOR=Pink][FONT=Lucida Sans Unicode]God Bless You All !~~~~~~Myownapple[/FONT][/COLOR][/FONT][/FONT][/FONT]


回复: 【原创】【连载】The Moon in the Blue

Paul had just called me. He asked me whether I would go out and spend the night with him. I refused him. From his words, I knew that he had already been told about what happen between us, and he hoped that we three are still friends. I promised him, but I said I just want to finish my work. I just don’t want to think about my past.


I forgot to have my dinner again. I opened the refrigerator and took one packet of frozen dim sum out, put it into the microwave oven. Ding. Although I had already cooked it for 2 minutes, I still afraid the food was not hot enough.

“Remember to cook it for at least 2 minutes in fear that you would get sick after eating it. If you enter the hospital, I will have more work.”

I laughed. If I get sick now, would I like to enter the hospital?

I cooked it for 30 seconds more, and ate it. It tasted sweet at first, but then sour, bitter.
[FONT=Century Gothic][FONT=Times New Roman][FONT=Lucida Console][COLOR=Pink][FONT=Lucida Sans Unicode]God Bless You All !~~~~~~Myownapple[/FONT][/COLOR][/FONT][/FONT][/FONT]


回复: 【原创】【连载】The Moon in the Blue

14<SUP>th</SUP> September

08:40 Train

Today started with bad luck. I slept until 8:00 and I have to arrive at the High Court at 9:30. I have not used the alarm clock for a long time. Two days ago, he still made a morning call at about 7:00, and I could have spare time to take the breakfast with him. Maybe I should buy one after work tonight.

Guess who I met on train. A minutes ago, a girl suddenly came towards me and called me loudly, ”Annie Lai, why you didn’t visit me yesterday? I have got a lot of homework and I didn’t know how to do?”

She called Tracy. She is a six years old girl who suffers from heart disease. Her mother had died when she was young and her father had to take care another three daughters at home. Therefore, when I had time, I will go to the children’s ward and teach her to do the homework. Last month she had done a surgery, and she was released from hospital this morning. I really don't know why she don't call me Annie Kong?

“I was very busy yesterday, and I MAY not go to the hospital in the future. I give you my telephone no and you can call me freely if you have any problem with your homework.”

She nodded, and she and her father got off the train for the MTR.

I think about what I have said. Will I have a chance to see her in the hospital?

12:00 Café

The case this morning was not a nice battle. Although finally I won, I have no mood to celebrate. If I had not worked yesterday, I will lose it. Maybe I should forget about it. I need not to attend hearing, so I can leave my office tonight and have some shopping.

I have ordered a tiramisu and a dish of seafood angel hair. We made these two dishes together every Sunday night, and more delicious than what I am eating now.

22:00 Home

I left the office at about 20:00, and went for shopping in the plaza near my home. I have bought a lot of things. I used to have shopping with Jackie and this was the happiest time of us, with no male walking with us. I sometimes got shopping with him, but he walked without glancing the windows, let alone waiting for me when I was starring at the jewellery. I had never dreamed about enter the shop and came out with a ring. Perhaps I would not be so fortunate.

The most important thing that I have bought is the alarm clock. It is a clock in dark blue, with the Little Prince in the center. When it is the time to call me, there will be a rose coming out at the top of the clock, and the sound of the clock is just like a moving bells. Where is Little Prince now? Where is the full moon?
[FONT=Century Gothic][FONT=Times New Roman][FONT=Lucida Console][COLOR=Pink][FONT=Lucida Sans Unicode]God Bless You All !~~~~~~Myownapple[/FONT][/COLOR][/FONT][/FONT][/FONT]


回复: 【原创】【连载】The Moon in the Blue

15<SUP>th</SUP> September

9:00 Cafe

Today I got up at 7:30. Three days has passed and I think I cannot still be in a bad mood. I have to learn how to take care myself.

12:30 Restaurant

Today, my boss told me that he would like me to be the lawyer a woman. She is one of the victims’ relatives of the car accident three days ago. I was shocked at first, and I didn’t know whether I should refuse him or not. Usually, these kind of cases need to have the doctors of the emergency room as the consultant. Should I accept this job or not?

18:30 Bus

Finally, I denied taking the case. I told him that I would like to go for a long holiday after I finish my job which I am responsible for,which I just made up before him. Unfortunately, he believed my words, and he said he would arrange the date for me.   Why I had made up this reason? What will I do during the holiday? Maybe I can  travel around the world and visit my parents in USA.

20:30 Home

A minute ago, Paul called me again. He expressed his care to me, and he hope that he would meet me in the following week. He said he so sorry for what happen in the emergency room, but at that moment, I stopped him and said I didn’t want to listen. What was I saying? New Moon, can you ensure yourself that you can totally forget about him. I won’t, and I have no ability to do so.

Forget everything and continue to work. You have to attain a hearing tomorrow morning.
[FONT=Century Gothic][FONT=Times New Roman][FONT=Lucida Console][COLOR=Pink][FONT=Lucida Sans Unicode]God Bless You All !~~~~~~Myownapple[/FONT][/COLOR][/FONT][/FONT][/FONT]


回复: 【原创】【连载】The Moon in the Blue

16<SUP>th</SUP> September

13:30 Café

I am so tired. Not only because I have already worked for four and a half day, but I do not know how I can forget what had happened in the past sixteen years. I From K.1 to F.7, I studied in a girl school. I used to look down on males. In the school, I was the head girl. Outside the school, I got straight As in public examinations. If I needed not to take care my brother, I had already got the scholarship and studied in Cambridge or Oxford. I entered a top university in HK and struggled very hard. I promised myself, I could not fall in love with any boys before I have bought a flat for myself. However, I broke my promise before I graduate. No matter how many boys had proposed to me, I refused. I just only wanted to take a glance at him.

Today is Friday, and I can leave earlier tonight. Paul said he would have a dinner with me. It’s time for me back to office.

22:00 Home

Finally, I have backed to home. We had our dinner in a restaurant and we had talked about 2 hours. The first question Paul asked me was ” Do you remember the life when Jackie was alive?”

I don’t know why he asked such question. “ Yes, but now I have learn how to take care myself.”

Then, we kept silent again. Originally, I thought he wanted to comfort me, but I knew the truth. Tracy had died yesterday. He was alone again. He had once forgot Jackie, and although he really accepted Tracy or not, she had walked with Paul for the past four years, and gave Paul a lot of courage. Maybe I am not the only one who wants to go back to the past.

“Have you gone to Lan Kwai Fong Incline?”
“ No, I have no mood to go there.”
“ Do not want to meet Henry?”
“ Why I have to afraid?” I did not looked at him. I guess he knew how I feel.
“ Maybe we could only enjoy ourselves six years ago.”
We were silent again. Both of us looked at the people outside the restaurant. There was a couple standing there, and the boy was saying something to the girl, while the girl was smiling to him.
“ The boy is called Philip, one of the university student of the faculty of medicine and he interns in our hospital now. I had heard about his girlfriend and she is a law student… …sorry… …”
“ Nothing.” I did not know what I could say. I only wanted to bless her at that moment. He also talked about what had happened in the hospital,. I knew he did not want to hurt me. He told me a lot of things about different department except the A&E.
“ Can we meet each other in the future, or write letters to the other?”
I agree and we left. I had some shopping afterwards. I saw the couple again, and the scene sixteen years ago came into my mind.

17<SUP>th</SUP> September

20:00 Home

This morning I got up at 11:00. I ate some biscuits for my breakfast and read newspaper on the Internet. I went down stairs and hung around the plaza. When I passed through the travel agencies. I got some information about other places around the world. I have a long holiday during November and December and I need to plan where I should go. I had long not go to other places. Four years ago, I wanted to find someone to accompany with me. Yet, I had gone to visit my father and mother on my own. Maybe I can meet someone oversee. No, no, no. I cannot, and I will not. I promised to myself. I cannot break my promise once again.

18<SUP>th</SUP> September

13:00 Café

Guess where I had gone this morning. I remember Jackie had some friends who are Christian, and I called them before, and they invited me to go to their church. So I went there this morning. They welcomed me, and I felt so warm. Maybe I will go there every Sunday.

This afternoon, I have to go to supermarket and buy for food for the next week. I have make a list for myself, and I am afraid that I have to go there several times in order to carry all the things home. I needed not to face this problem in the past. Yes, I have to be strong, just like the one of me during F.6 and F.7.

I just saw Philip, the medical student, one minute ago. He was walking with one girl, but she was not the one I saw two days ago. I was worrying about the girl.

As you see, Annie want to travel around the world. I know most of you are living in China, and although I have travelled to Beijing 10 years ago and Shanghai 3 years ago. I knew only very little about these two places. Would you like to suggest some places Annie could visit for me? Thank you! She will stay in each places for about one week.
[FONT=Century Gothic][FONT=Times New Roman][FONT=Lucida Console][COLOR=Pink][FONT=Lucida Sans Unicode]God Bless You All !~~~~~~Myownapple[/FONT][/COLOR][/FONT][/FONT][/FONT]


回复: 【原创】【连载】The Moon in the Blue

19<SUP>th</SUP> September (Mon)

22:30 Home

I have just received Paul’s e-mail, and I print it out and share with you.

Dear Annie,

I am very happy I still have a chance to talk to you. I want to say thank you for your words you told me last Friday, and I think I can stand for this challenge. I regret I love Jackie more than Tracy, but she waited for me for four years. I didn’t know why, I thought Tracy could replace Jackie, yet it was not true. I feel more comfortable with Tracy’s death more than Jackie’s. I hope Tracy would forgive me in heaven.

Do you remember Philip, who we saw last Friday? I was told that her girl friend, Helen, was fresh graduate and will enter your law firm next week. Although I and her are not friends, but we had met several times. Please take care of her, as you are the only one who had similar experience with her.

Tracy’s funeral will be hold on Wednesday night. I hope you will come.


I was pleased to see that Paul can really face the problem, but I don’t know if I should attend the funeral. However, if I my attendance can comfort him, I think I should I should go.

I really don’t know why Paul asked me to take care Helen. Did he knew that Helen and Philip had already broken up. We two will become colleague in the future.

Sorry for all of you waiting for long as there are many many homework . Happy Chinese New Year.
[FONT=Century Gothic][FONT=Times New Roman][FONT=Lucida Console][COLOR=Pink][FONT=Lucida Sans Unicode]God Bless You All !~~~~~~Myownapple[/FONT][/COLOR][/FONT][/FONT][/FONT]


回复: 【原创】【连载】The Moon in the Blue

20<SUP>th</SUP> September (Tue)

20:00 Home

Today, my boss, Gordon, announced that there will be a graduate enter our firm next Monday, and he hope that I will be her supervisor for a while. He gave me some details of Helen and he hopes me I will have a dinner with her this week. What should I talk with her? I remember the first time I met my former supervisor, Christine. I thought she was a prodigy. She could manage a lot things at one time. She had to earn for her family, she had a good career prospect. Unfortunately, she had left the firm one year later. At that time, she was my idol, and I pretended that I could be as strong as her. However, fifteen years had past, I might need to face the same problem with my trainee.

Don’t waste your time, Annie. You have to prepare the documents for tomorrow hearing.

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21<SUP>st</SUP> September (Wed)

20:30 Home

I had just received a special phone call a few minutes ago. The one who called me was called Sam, and he told me that he had found my dog, 仔仔, which I had lost three weeks ago. I didn’t know why every time I lost him, something bad was waiting for me. I had asked the newspaper to publish the advertisement. Sam said he had read the advertisement and he had found a dog similar to仔仔. He asked me whether I am free to meet him this Saturday. I said yes. However, I do not believe him so much.


[FONT=Century Gothic][FONT=Times New Roman][FONT=Lucida Console][COLOR=Pink][FONT=Lucida Sans Unicode]God Bless You All !~~~~~~Myownapple[/FONT][/COLOR][/FONT][/FONT][/FONT]


回复: 【原创】【连载】The Moon in the Blue

22<SUP>nd</SUP> September (Thu)

21:00 Home

Dear Paul,

Sorry I have not go to Tracy’s funeral yesterday, I really don’t want to meet him, and I want to send my sympathy o you. I will always remember her as you do.

I have just known that I would be the supervisor of Helen. Please tell me more about her so that I can have a better understanding of her.

I suddenly want to visit Jackie this weekend. Will you come with me?


The above letter is what I plan to write to Paul. I don’t know why I always try not to connect any doctors. Am I still angry with him? I remember what my brother said, “ He is the one who afraid of meeting people, not you.” Don’t try to worry a lot of things. Just go to the kitchen and eat some thing. Tomorrow I have dinner with Helen, and I need to pretend I am a strong woman, no no no, a strong girl, as I had been doing before.

<SPAN lang=EN-US><FONT face="Comic Sans MS"><FONT size=2><FONT color=navy> <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com[img] /><o:p></o:p></FONT></FONT></FONT></SPAN></P>< class=MsoBodyText style=[/img]23<SUP>rd</SUP> September (Fri)

22:00 Bus

Finally I met Helen in After Five. Luckily, I did not see him, but I preferred he could find me, let him see how I could live without him, actually, how sad I was last week.

Why I choose After Five? I don’t know, it was chosen by Helen. I asked her

“ Because it was the place when my boyfriend had the dinner with me.” Her face was full of happiness, just like I was her boyfriend, and just like how I smiled seventeen years ago.

“ Really! Me too.”

“ But why do you look so sad?” I burst out laughing, how could we talk about our boyfriends.

“ Maybe we should talk about what you need to do next Monday before we talked about other things.

The following conversation was so boring. I didn’t know why I could said these things. I think I can become a professor in the university. After I had said I need to notify her. She asked, “ Did you do this after you graduated?”

“ Yes.”

“ Did you have time to meet your boyfriend?”

I stared at her. My smiling had suddenly gone. “ My boyfriend had left me before my graduation.”

“ But have you found a new one?”

I opened my mouth without saying a word, tried not to look at Helen. I was think, I was thinking what reply I should give.

“ At that time, I was always hanging around here. I had a few boyfriends, and some fell in love with me, but boyfriend …… I was fated not to have one.”

“ I am sorry. My boyfriend is called Philip. He is a medical student and he love me very much, ……”

In fact I was not listening to her words. At that moment, I was looking around, finding his body. Why he stayed at home at night, or if he had already gone to one of the hotels in Kowloon Tong …… I was daydreaming until Helen said, “ and Philip said he want to be a doctor in the Emergency Room ……”

“ What!? What are you saying?”

“ Philip want to be a doctor in ER, do you think he can do so?”

“ I don’t know. I don’t know what they do.”

“ You look not very well. Are you all right? I am sorry that I talk too much. I had emigrated to England when I was six, and now I have no relatives in Hong Kong. I just have a few friends, and I spend most of my spare time with my boyfriend. However, my boyfriend has a lot of things to do recently, and we have not met each other for five days.”

Five days ago, the day when I saw Philip in the supermarket. I said nothing.

“ Maybe I am not very well tonight. I believe that you can do a great job in the future.”

I paid the bill and left. Up until now, I was still thinking about Helen. She somehow has the same characteristic with Jackie, always talk and talk. Nevertheless, she is facing the same thing that I faced seventeen years ago ……


[FONT=Century Gothic][FONT=Times New Roman][FONT=Lucida Console][COLOR=Pink][FONT=Lucida Sans Unicode]God Bless You All !~~~~~~Myownapple[/FONT][/COLOR][/FONT][/FONT][/FONT]


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