[妙手] 【转帖】一個英文版的妙手仁心續集

[妙手] 【转帖】一個英文版的妙手仁心續集


Healing Hand II by Snow Dolphin

Jackie sat on her bed and gazed silently into space. There was fear now, fear that she would never see all her friends again. Fear that she would never have a chance to banter with them again, fear that her ‘sister’ would lose someone to have a heart-to-heart chat with, whenever she felt like it. But, most of all, fear that after this day was gone, she would never again have another day to spend with her beloved. She would do anything to gain more time, just to do even the most mundane task with her beloved.
Suddenly, the door crashed open, in Annie’s typical attention grabbing entrance. “Hey, Jackie!”
“Well, I’m not his only patient, you know?” Jackie grinned. “And, you call yourself my ‘sister’. Where are my flowers?”
“I will go with you for a brief visit before I go home.” Henry suggested, patting Paul on the back, serious for once in his life. “Come on, let’s go.”  
On so saying, the two of them continued down the hallway, towards Jackie’s room. Upon reaching it, Paul reached out to open the door, only to be surprised by the sight before him. There, Annie was sleeping peacefully on a chair beside Jackie’s bed, both of their hands entwined. Henry, on the other hand, was, to his extreme discomfort, rather touched by the scene before him. He had never realised just how vulnerable Annie was. He had always thought that Annie was too strong to require a guy by her side, but he might be wrong. If that was the case, then perhaps, it was not too late for him to court Annie.
“So, what do you say? Should we go in or just leave?”
“It’s up to you. You are Jackie’s boyfriend, not me.”
“I think we should just go, I can come back tomorrow morning.”
“Fine, but what about Annie. Do you wanna leave her here? I think she will get a backache from sleeping in that chair all night.”
“You want to send her home?”
“I don’t know.”
Suddenly confused, Henry was at a loss as to what to do. Finally, he entered the room, lifted Annie into his arms gently, and carried her to the couch at a corner of the room. He then proceeded to cover her with a blanket. Amazingly enough, Annie slept through it all.
“Alright, let’s go. And, not a word of this to anyone, or else.... Never mind, no matter what you say, I’m just going to deny it all.”
Paul laughed, one of his rare ones on that fateful day.
“So, you do have a soft spot for that lady, and here, I thought that perhaps, you are really cold blooded.”
“Shut up!” Henry retorted as he ushered Paul out of the room, closing the door gently after them. “Do you still wanna go home?”
“Of course I do.”
Paul replied, before hurrying down the hallway after his best friend, cum apartment mate. <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com[img] /><o:p></o:p>



****** </P>

Paul’s Room</P>

11.42pm <o:p></o:p></P>


Paul leaned back against his armchair, staring into space. He could not get to sleep, realising that it was a bad idea for him to return that day. He should have remained at the hospital at Jackie’s side, where he could keep an eye on her. Yet, he was reluctant to disturb the peace that Annie seemed to find by staying with Jackie. He guessed he would just have to settle for staying by her side throughout the next night. Suddenly, out of the corner of his eye, he caught a movement at the doorway.</P>

“Come on in, why are the both of you being so secretive?” </P>

Sheepishly, Henry and Gilbert entered the room. </P>

“We thought you might need some company.” </P>

Gilbert said as he made himself comfortable on Paul’s bed. </P>

“Well, I don’t mind some company.....” </P>

“Do I sense a ‘but’ there?” </P>

Henry cut in. </P>

“Of course not. I was just thinking that I would rather be with Jackie right now, you know. No offense to you guys.” </P>

Paul quickly added. </P>

“I’m offended.” Henry joked. “So, you are the type to care more for partners than friends.” </P>

“No... that’s not what I mean...” </P>

“Oh come on, Henry, let the poor guy off. He has suffered enough already.” </P>

As soon as the words came out of his mouth, Gilbert regretted it. To ease the sudden air of sadness in the room, Henry asked Gilbert about Annie. </P>

“I don’t know, I have never seen Annie like that before. But then again, nothing major has ever happened in our family before.” </P>

“Well, I think it just shows the more human side of your sister, when she’s always this cool lady. I think I like this more feminine side of her.” </P>

“Say, Henry, don’t tell me you are falling for my sister again?” </P>

“So what if I am? I do have a soft spot for her, you know.” </P>

“Henry, you’d better decide if you are really serious about her this time. It’s really not fair for her to get hurt by you twice.” </P>

Paul joined in the conversation. </P>

“Hey, what’s this? When did you two become Annie’s protectors? Don’t worry, this time, I’m serious.” </P>

“Let’s see if Annie will accept you again.” </P>

Gilbert couldn’t resist jibing at Henry. </P>

“I have my own ways.” Henry retorted. “Don’t you know that no woman can resist me?” </P>

“Urrgghh...” </P>

Both Paul and Gilbert pretended to puke. </P>

“I can’t be bothered to talk to you guys. Goodnight!” </P>

Henry got off the bed, and returned to his room. </P>

“I’m going too.” Gilbert patted Paul on the shoulder. “Don’t think too much. Tomorrow will be a better day.” </P>

Paul smiled. </P>

“Thank you, Gil. Goodnight.<o:p></o:p></P>


</FONT>第一次看到apple的Annie英文日记,我已经很激动;现在看见bonnie辛苦贴过来的HH英文续集,我不知何以表达我的感动。只能说Thank Goodness!谢谢bonnie!这样的新春礼物,实在太令我激动了,奖励一下。 by Felin</B></FONT></P>


It's been so long,and finally I read this story, and now it‘s 2022.
I miss those good friends so so so much.


懵懵懂懂的样子 呃 看来需要一本字典

欢迎来到天使城,请注意不要写这样过于简短的帖子,以免灌水之嫌哦^_^ by felin

[ 本帖最后由 Felin 于 2007-5-23 11:21 PM 编辑 ]



She gave him a hug.
“That’s so sweet of you. I never figure you for that kind of guy.”
Henry returned the hug before speaking.
“What kind of guy?”
“A very sweet guy.”

“So, did you or did you not?”
“Did I what?”
“You know what I’m asking. Did you and Henry, you know....”
“Know what?”
“Do you really want me to spell it out for you?”
“I’m going to get a drink. Do you want one?”
Annie evaded answering the question, as she got out of bed to go to the kitchen.
Unfortunately, a persistent Jackie followed her out of bed, all the way to the kitchen.
“So, tell me.”
“Why do you want to know? Why are you so interested anyway?”
Annie questioned.
“Just curious.”





The Next Morning
“Good morning!”
Jackie called when she saw Paul coming out from Annie’s room, still dressed in his pajamas.
“Good morning, what time did you get up anyway?”
He asked in return, when he saw the spread of breakfast on the table.
“Just half an hour earlier than you.”
“You don’t have to prepare breakfast, we can just go out and grab a bite, you know.”
Paul said, wrapping his arms around Jackie from behind.
“I always prepare breakfast for Annie anyway, it’s nothing. I just had to prepare more than usual. Go and wash up, breakfast will be ready when you are done.”
Jackie turned her head back to give her fiancé a kiss on the lips.
Paul nodded, returning the kiss before walking off.
“Hey Paul, good morning!”
Annie greeted when she came out of the bathroom dressed for work, passing by him.
“Henry’s still in bed?”
“Yep! You know how he is.”
Annie nodded, a mischievous look entering her eyes.
“I will go wake him up.”
Quietly, she entered her own room, carrying a glass of water along with her.
“Wake up, lazy pig!”
She yelled, just before pouring the glass of water on his head.
“What the....?”
Henry sat up, sputtering, trying to orient himself, when he caught sight of Annie, bent over with laughter, an empty glass in one hand.
“Serves you right for being such a lazy pig.”
Annie gasped, in between laughter.
“Why, you.....” He sat up, preparing to get out of bed. “Don’t think I won’t retaliate!”
Before he had finished that sentence, Annie had already dashed out of the room, foreseeing revenge.
“Did you have fun?”
Paul asked, when he saw a still grinning Annie exit the room.
“Oh yes, it was the best!”
“Wow, Henry, taking a bath so early in the morning?”
Jackie crowed sweetly, when she caught sight of a dripping Henry entering the living room. That earned her a glare which was later transferred to Annie.
“Alright, alright, breakfast is done. Why don’t you go change and come out to eat?”
Annie soothed, bringing a towel to Henry, and rubbing his head.
“That’s better.”
Finally calm, he grabbed the towel and returned to the room.


Jackie’s and Annie’s Apartment
The Next Night
“I wonder what’s taking them so long?”
“Why, are you hungry again?” Annie teased Jackie. “I thought you had a lot for dinner just now.”
“I did not.”
“You did. I saw you. Careful, Jackie, you are putting on weight.”
“All the better to crush you with!”
Came the prompt retort, as without warning, Jackie pounced on Annie, causing them both to topple onto the couch.
It was to this scene that Paul and Henry happened upon when they entered the apartment with the key that they had been given. Grinning, they watched as both ladies struggled on the couch, laughing and screaming all the while.
“Doesn’t look as if their lives are in any danger, don’t you think so?”
Henry asked Paul sarcastically.
Paul laughed.
“They sure are enjoying themselves.”
It was then that the presence of the two men was noticed by their respective halves.
“Oh, you are finally here. I thought we had to call the search team or something, it sure took you long enough.”
Jackie said, getting up from her position on top of Annie.
“Yep, and we have one starving doctor here.”
Annie mentioned, earning a glare from Jackie.
“Didn’t you have any dinner?”
Paul asked, coming to the couch to sit beside Jackie.
“I did, am just hungry again.”
She replied before giving him a kiss.
Supper was over before Annie decided to break the news to the two guys.
“Jackie and I are bunking in together in Jackie’s room tonight. You two can take my room.”
Henry looked at Paul in mock horror.
“I’m not sharing a room with him!”
“As if I want to share one with you.”
Paul pretended offense.
“Well, you two can fight it out, we are going to bed. Thanks for the supper.”
Jackie grinned, quickly giving Paul a kiss on the lips before dashing off to her room, followed by Annie.
He sighed, and looked at Henry.
“Looks like it’s only you and I left.”
“Well, we can go home if you like.”
“Do you want to?”
Henry shook his head.
“I guess that settles it then.”
Dressed for bed half an hour later, the two guys were sitting in the living room watching television when they heard laughter drifting out from Jackie’s room.
Jackie snuggled up to Annie, determined not to let her off.
“So, did you or did you not?”
“Did I what?”
“You know what I’m asking. Did you and Henry, you know....”
“Know what?”
“Do you really want me to spell it out for you?”
“I’m going to get a drink. Do you want one?”
Annie evaded answering the question, as she got out of bed to go to the kitchen.
Unfortunately, a persistent Jackie followed her out of bed, all the way to the kitchen.
“So, tell me.”
“Why do you want to know? Why are you so interested anyway?”
Annie questioned.
“Just curious.”
Paul and Henry looked on fascinated, as both Annie and Jackie had seemingly forgotten about their presence, and were now standing infront of them, teasing and pestering each other, blocking their view of the television.
This time, Jackie was taken by surprise when Annie turned the table on her.
“What about you? You only know to tease me, what about yourself?”
“What about me?”
Jackie blushed, immediately freeing her hands from Annie’s shoulders. But before she could move away, her shoulders were gripped by Annie. Before long, they were pushing at each other.
“Ha! It’s your turn now, so confess! Don’t think you can get away so easily.”
“Confess what?”
Jackie shrugged her shoulders, obviously uncomfortable with the question.
“Did you or did you not?”
“Did what?”
Paul called out from his seat, causing them both to swivel their heads around to stare at him before turning back to look at each other. Suddenly, they burst into laughter.
“Sometimes, I wonder if we know what we are getting ourselves into.”
Henry drawled from his position.
“Sometimes, I agree with you on that too.”
Paul replied.
“Sorry, we forgot that you were here. Did we disturb you?”
Jackie asked, having finally wound down from laughing to giggling.
“Let’s go back to bed before we disturb them anymore.”
Annie grinned, seeing an exasperated look in Henry’s eyes. She leaned down to peck him on the lips before heading back to Jackie’s room.
Soon, the whole apartment was quiet as everyone went to bed, except for Annie’s room, where two people could not get to sleep.
Paul placed his arms behind his head as he stared at the ceiling.
“I can’t believe I’m actually sharing a bed with you.”
“I can’t believe it too. Oh man, are we turning into softies? Or are we just too blinded by love. If anyone ever tells me that I would be sharing a bed with Dr. Ching, I would be laughing my head off. Now, it’s a reality.”
Paul laughed.
“Oh come on, I know I’m not Annie, but I can’t be that bad, can I? And to answer your question, I think we are just two guys hopelessly in love, and trying to protect the loves of our lives.”
Henry nodded in the dark, trying to lighten the solemn mood that had seemed to descend over the room.
“Wow, Paul, when did you become so mushy?”


A week passed without any further incidents, nor was there any news forthcoming from the police. The two men remained protective of their loved ones, and though the two ladies were appreciative of everything that was done for them, they soon grew tired of it all, given their independent nature. Thus, they decided that it was time for them to return to their own home.
“Are you sure?”
Henry asked, his chopsticks full of noodles halting midway to his mouth. For that week, the two men had been making every effort to have dinner together with the ladies.
Annie nodded.
“Um hmm... Jackie and I decided that it’s time for us to return home, not that we don’t enjoy it here but still, home’s the best.”
“Right! You guys can come over anytime you want.”
Jackie added, with a look at Paul.
“Why are you looking at me like that? I have not said anything yet. I guess no one can dissuade you ladies once you’ve made up your mind, I know how stubborn you can be.”
Jackie demanded, with a mock punch at Paul.
“Nothing, what did I say?”
Paul smiled, an innocent look on his face.
“I will let you off this time. So, I guess that’s settled, huh? Annie and I will return home tomorrow.”
“How about after dinner tomorrow, Henry and I will send you home?”
“Sure, we can wait till then.”
Both ladies agreed.
True to their promise, the two guys sent Annie and Jackie home after dinner together.
Annie opened the door to their apartment, and entered it, followed by Jackie and the two guys.
“Oh wow, home sweet home.”
Jackie exclaimed, flinging her bag onto the couch.
“You mean you’ve never like my home all this while?”
Paul pretended to be angry.
“Of course not,” Jackie hastened to pacify him, wrapping her arms around him from behind. “You are the best and I adore your apartment.”
“That’s better.”
Paul grinned.
“I can’t stand you guys.” Henry gave a mock shudder. “How can you be so mushy?”
“Are you jealous?”
Jackie shot out.
“Why would I be?”
Henry retorted, earning an exasperated look from Annie as she rolled her eyes.
“Ignore him, you know how he’s like. So, are the both of you going home or what?”
“If you want us to stay...”
Henry suggested.
“Well, we will be fine with or without you here. The choice is up to you.”
“Looks like we are not wanted here.”
Henry told Paul.
Paul looked at Jackie who gave him a shrug in return.
“Alright then, we won’t spend the night here tonight, maybe tomorrow. We will bring supper.” On so saying, he gave Jackie a hug and a peck on the lips. “Be careful, lock your door. I will come and pick you up for work tomorrow.”
“Paul, I’ll be fine, and I’ll see you at the hospital. Annie can send me to work.”
By this time, Annie had walked Henry to the door and they were saying their own goodbyes.
“Be careful, will ya?”
“Henry, I’ll still be seeing you tomorrow night. We’ll be fine, don’t worry.”
Henry nodded, leaning down to kiss her gently on the lips.
“Goodnight.” Then in a louder tone, he called to Paul. “Paul, are you ready to go yet?”
The latter replied, walking to the door.
“Now, lock your door.”
“We will, just go.”
Both ladies replied in exasperation, when both guys refused to budge from the door until it was closed


On The Way To Paul’s Apartment
The Next Day
“I don’t understand why we have to wait for you guys to fetch us home when we could do so perfectly fine ourselves.” Jackie grumbled. “Now, we gotta pay for one more day of hospitalization.”
Paul looked at her in exasperation.
“Just to ease our minds, alright?”
“Paul’s right.” Henry called from behind them, in the back seat. He squeezed Annie’s hand, smiling at her. “We just want to play safe.”
“Hey, this is not the route to our apartment.”
Annie suddenly sat up straight.
“We are having you ladies over at our apartment for these few days, alright?”
“To play safe again?”
Jackie asked.
Paul nodded.
“Ok, but can we stop over at our apartment first, we want to get some stuff.”
“Sure, your wish is my command.”
Paul grinned, before changing route to the ladies’ apartment.
“Wow, did you guys clean this place up? It’s sparkling clean!”
Jackie burst out, upon entering the apartment.
“Yep, we did that when you were asleep.”
Paul acknowledged.
Annie looked at Henry surprised.
“You came too?”
He nodded sheepishly.
She gave him a hug.
“That’s so sweet of you. I never figure you for that kind of guy.”
Henry returned the hug before speaking.
“What kind of guy?”
“A very sweet guy.”
“Annie, leave that for later, will ya?” Jackie teased. “Don’t forget what we are here for.”
“Alright, alright, I’m coming.”
Annie called back.
Turning, she walked quickly to her room, while Jackie went to hers. It did not take them long to pack whatever they needed, and leave the apartment.
Paul’s Apartment
45 Minutes Later
Paul opened the door and led the way into his apartment.
“Make yourselves at home.”
“We will, it’s not as if it’s our first time here.”
Jackie rolled her eyes.
“Hey, you gals are here!”
Gilbert exclaimed as he came out of his room. He went to the kitchen to pour a couple of drinks for them, before heading to the living room.
Both ladies replied, taking the drinks and settling themselves on either side of him on the couch. He looked from one to the other, before asking.
“So, how do you feel? Fully recovered already?”
“We are fine, it’s just that these two guys here are over anxious.”
Annie told him.
“It’s better to be safe than sorry,”
Henry retorted.
Jackie stretched her arms, looking around the room and grinning. “Do you know how long it has been since the five of us actually sat down to talk?” She placed an arm around Gilbert. “And, you, Ah Gil, what have you been so busy with lately? If we didn’t have an accident, we might not have the chance to see you at all.”
“Why would you need to see me when you have Paul?” The latter asked, gingerly taking her hand, and peeling it off his shoulder. “Umm.... Don’t you think you should keep your hands to yourself? Someone might get jealous.”
“Who? Oh, you mean Paul?” Jackie laughed teasingly. “Don’t worry, he knows we are like sisters.”
“What about me?”
Annie asked, pointing to herself.
“Oh, you are my favorite sister.”
Jackie hurriedly answered.
That reply had everyone bursting out in laughter. Thus, for the first time in a long while, the five close friends chatted till the wee hours of the night.
“I can’t take it anymore, my eyes are closing on me. I’m going to wash up and go straight to bed. Goodnight”
Jackie finally announced and bounded off, leaving Paul looking after her helplessly.
“So, where am I sleeping tonight?”
Annie asked.
“Where else? With me, of course.”
“I thought I was going to share a room with Jackie?”
Annie teased.
“When did I say that?” Henry retorted, before turning to return to his room, carrying Annie’s bag along with him. “If you want your things, you’d better come with me.”
“Threatening me?” Annie followed him. “Threats don’t work on me, you know.”
Paul grinned, watching as the two continued to argue on the way to Henry’s room. He, in turn, picked up Jackie’s bag and entered his own room, leaving Gilbert to return to his.

long time no see. hope you all have a happy valentine


回复: 【转帖】一個英文版的妙手仁心續集

finally!!:em10: it is so long,but very wonderful,i finished reading this novel for 4 days.i little do one think that hh is so welcome for foreign


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