[妙手] 【原创】【连载】The Moon in the Blue

回复: 【原创】【连载】The Moon in the Blue

As you see, Annie want to travel around the world. I know most of you are living in China, and although I have travelled to Beijing 10 years ago and Shanghai 3 years ago. I knew only very little about these two places. Would you like to suggest some places Annie could visit for me? Thank you! She will stay in each places for about one week.[/QUOTE]我自己很想去西部~~


回复: 【原创】【连载】The Moon in the Blue



回复: 【原创】【连载】The Moon in the Blue

MY BLOG:http://fiona9798.blogbus.com


回复: 【原创】【连载】The Moon in the Blue


要从心底拿走一个人 很痛 很难


回复: 【原创】【连载】The Moon in the Blue

19<SUP>th</SUP> September (Mon)

22:30 Home

I have just received Paul’s e-mail, and I print it out and share with you.

Dear Annie,

I am very happy I still have a chance to talk to you. I want to say thank you for your words you told me last Friday, and I think I can stand for this challenge. I regret I love Jackie more than Tracy, but she waited for me for four years. I didn’t know why, I thought Tracy could replace Jackie, yet it was not true. I feel more comfortable with Tracy’s death more than Jackie’s. I hope Tracy would forgive me in heaven.

Do you remember Philip, who we saw last Friday? I was told that her girl friend, Helen, was fresh graduate and will enter your law firm next week. Although I and her are not friends, but we had met several times. Please take care of her, as you are the only one who had similar experience with her.

Tracy’s funeral will be hold on Wednesday night. I hope you will come.


I was pleased to see that Paul can really face the problem, but I don’t know if I should attend the funeral. However, if I my attendance can comfort him, I think I should I should go.

I really don’t know why Paul asked me to take care Helen. Did he knew that Helen and Philip had already broken up. We two will become colleague in the future.

Sorry for all of you waiting for long as there are many many homework . Happy Chinese New Year.
[FONT=Century Gothic][FONT=Times New Roman][FONT=Lucida Console][COLOR=Pink][FONT=Lucida Sans Unicode]God Bless You All !~~~~~~Myownapple[/FONT][/COLOR][/FONT][/FONT][/FONT]


回复: 【原创】【连载】The Moon in the Blue

刚回家就收到远方朋友的短信“新年快乐!”然后就看到了apple的更新。原来距离的阻隔并不能切断友情,正如Annie, Paul, Jackie之间的友谊一样,不管是否在一起,都会永远关心彼此,祝福彼此!


海内存知己,天涯若比邻。也祝barbara同学春节快乐。By jasmine


回复: 【原创】【连载】The Moon in the Blue

20<SUP>th</SUP> September (Tue)

20:00 Home

Today, my boss, Gordon, announced that there will be a graduate enter our firm next Monday, and he hope that I will be her supervisor for a while. He gave me some details of Helen and he hopes me I will have a dinner with her this week. What should I talk with her? I remember the first time I met my former supervisor, Christine. I thought she was a prodigy. She could manage a lot things at one time. She had to earn for her family, she had a good career prospect. Unfortunately, she had left the firm one year later. At that time, she was my idol, and I pretended that I could be as strong as her. However, fifteen years had past, I might need to face the same problem with my trainee.

Don’t waste your time, Annie. You have to prepare the documents for tomorrow hearing.

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21<SUP>st</SUP> September (Wed)

20:30 Home

I had just received a special phone call a few minutes ago. The one who called me was called Sam, and he told me that he had found my dog, 仔仔, which I had lost three weeks ago. I didn’t know why every time I lost him, something bad was waiting for me. I had asked the newspaper to publish the advertisement. Sam said he had read the advertisement and he had found a dog similar to仔仔. He asked me whether I am free to meet him this Saturday. I said yes. However, I do not believe him so much.


[FONT=Century Gothic][FONT=Times New Roman][FONT=Lucida Console][COLOR=Pink][FONT=Lucida Sans Unicode]God Bless You All !~~~~~~Myownapple[/FONT][/COLOR][/FONT][/FONT][/FONT]


回复: 【原创】【连载】The Moon in the Blue

喜欢看apple写Annie日记了的这句话:Don't wait your time,Annie!
要从心底拿走一个人 很痛 很难


回复: 【原创】【连载】The Moon in the Blue

22<SUP>nd</SUP> September (Thu)

21:00 Home

Dear Paul,

Sorry I have not go to Tracy’s funeral yesterday, I really don’t want to meet him, and I want to send my sympathy o you. I will always remember her as you do.

I have just known that I would be the supervisor of Helen. Please tell me more about her so that I can have a better understanding of her.

I suddenly want to visit Jackie this weekend. Will you come with me?


The above letter is what I plan to write to Paul. I don’t know why I always try not to connect any doctors. Am I still angry with him? I remember what my brother said, “ He is the one who afraid of meeting people, not you.” Don’t try to worry a lot of things. Just go to the kitchen and eat some thing. Tomorrow I have dinner with Helen, and I need to pretend I am a strong woman, no no no, a strong girl, as I had been doing before.

<SPAN lang=EN-US><FONT face="Comic Sans MS"><FONT size=2><FONT color=navy> <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com[img] /><o:p></o:p></FONT></FONT></FONT></SPAN></P>< class=MsoBodyText style=[/img]23<SUP>rd</SUP> September (Fri)

22:00 Bus

Finally I met Helen in After Five. Luckily, I did not see him, but I preferred he could find me, let him see how I could live without him, actually, how sad I was last week.

Why I choose After Five? I don’t know, it was chosen by Helen. I asked her

“ Because it was the place when my boyfriend had the dinner with me.” Her face was full of happiness, just like I was her boyfriend, and just like how I smiled seventeen years ago.

“ Really! Me too.”

“ But why do you look so sad?” I burst out laughing, how could we talk about our boyfriends.

“ Maybe we should talk about what you need to do next Monday before we talked about other things.

The following conversation was so boring. I didn’t know why I could said these things. I think I can become a professor in the university. After I had said I need to notify her. She asked, “ Did you do this after you graduated?”

“ Yes.”

“ Did you have time to meet your boyfriend?”

I stared at her. My smiling had suddenly gone. “ My boyfriend had left me before my graduation.”

“ But have you found a new one?”

I opened my mouth without saying a word, tried not to look at Helen. I was think, I was thinking what reply I should give.

“ At that time, I was always hanging around here. I had a few boyfriends, and some fell in love with me, but boyfriend …… I was fated not to have one.”

“ I am sorry. My boyfriend is called Philip. He is a medical student and he love me very much, ……”

In fact I was not listening to her words. At that moment, I was looking around, finding his body. Why he stayed at home at night, or if he had already gone to one of the hotels in Kowloon Tong …… I was daydreaming until Helen said, “ and Philip said he want to be a doctor in the Emergency Room ……”

“ What!? What are you saying?”

“ Philip want to be a doctor in ER, do you think he can do so?”

“ I don’t know. I don’t know what they do.”

“ You look not very well. Are you all right? I am sorry that I talk too much. I had emigrated to England when I was six, and now I have no relatives in Hong Kong. I just have a few friends, and I spend most of my spare time with my boyfriend. However, my boyfriend has a lot of things to do recently, and we have not met each other for five days.”

Five days ago, the day when I saw Philip in the supermarket. I said nothing.

“ Maybe I am not very well tonight. I believe that you can do a great job in the future.”

I paid the bill and left. Up until now, I was still thinking about Helen. She somehow has the same characteristic with Jackie, always talk and talk. Nevertheless, she is facing the same thing that I faced seventeen years ago ……


[FONT=Century Gothic][FONT=Times New Roman][FONT=Lucida Console][COLOR=Pink][FONT=Lucida Sans Unicode]God Bless You All !~~~~~~Myownapple[/FONT][/COLOR][/FONT][/FONT][/FONT]


回复: 【原创】【连载】The Moon in the Blue

24<SUP>th</SUP> September (Sat)

20:30 Home

Guess who had come back? The one who called Sam had brought me back 仔仔. He said he did not need me to give him money, but we finally have our dinner in an romantic restaurant and I took my dog to one of the pets shop nearby and asked them to look after him. Sam was an inspector of the police force. We talked a lot of things, and from his words, he may want me to be his girlfriend. Of course, I also implied that I did not love him. Yet, he still said at the end “ Maybe we can have more dinners together in future.” I stared at him. I couldn’t said a word at the moment, and I just left him behind.

When仔仔 first came home, he walked round and round, seemed to be looking for someone else. When I finally told him his father had left me, he stopped walking and looked at me. After five seconds, he walked towards me, laid down on my feet and looked up at me. In his eyes, he wanted to comfort me. He knew when he was absent. “Don’t be so sad. You will always be my company.”

You see, he is sitting in front of me. He wanted to see my diary. I turned the pages for him and let him read it. I know he understand what I have written.

Happy Valentine's Day.:em02:
I also hope that Jackie and Annie would have a happy Valentine's Day

Girls' Home

J: Who go to our home so early today?
A: Go and open the door.
Jackie opened the door and saw a boy( B) waiting outside.
B: Two guys told me to send you two the flower without leaving their names. ( He gave the rose to Annie) Bye.
A: Hey, what is the percaentage of salary cut of your hospital this year? I know that the government now has some financial problems, and they reduce the salary of medical staff, but this doesn't mean that they two can just give us a rose.
J: Hey, you have to thank me. Your Henry had never sent you a flower in the past. If it is not Paul, you cannot receive even half of a rose.
A: Don't forget that Henry takes me to a 5 stars Peninsula Hotel for dinner, but Paul always takes you to the hospital canteen to celebrate the Valentine's Day.
J: Paul did so because he want to take good care of his patients. But your henry, he always wants to find ways to avoid working in that night. Sometimes, he even orders me to replace him. You see, I have to have my dinner with Paul in the hosptial tonight again.
A: You have to thanks me. We two give you chance to accompany Paul.

Night Hospital Canteen

J: Do you feel bored to have our Valentine's Dinner in work place every year?
P: I have to take care of the patients.
J: If I do not need to work tonight, will you go to somewhere with me?
P: Of cause, I will. I must obey you on Valentine's Day.
J: OK, fine. Next year, I will not listen to Henry and work for him in that night, he need to have his dinner here instead of Peninsula Hotel.
P: I don't think there is some relations between Henry's working timetable and us.
J: Of cause. He always evades from hospital in Valentine's night, and orders me to be on duty, so that I cannot stay at home tonight. Hence, I will not disturb them at home, and he can do whatever he like in my home with Annie. If he is so rich to have dinner in that Hotel, why don't he just rent a room for themselves upstairs?
P: You don't need to be so angry.
J: I think we four have to make an arrangement. Gilbert, come here.
J: Every time when I talk about Henry, Annie would not listen to me. I think I need your help, Gilbert. Please tell your sister that I am bored with couples' package dinner set of our hospital, and ask her boyfriend to work in 14th February night. Paul, please tell your good room-mate to work in this night next year. And I and henry will take turns.
G: I agree. That's mean both Paul and Henry will not stay at home in 14th Februrar night, and I can do whatever I like at home. I can turn the TV volume high, I can read Paul's books, I can sleep on Henry's comfortable bed......

Peninsula Hotel

A: What do you think Jackie and Paul are doing?
H: Maybe they are doing what we do now in the canteen.
A: Do you think it is not fair to them?
H: I don't think so. You know, the bed in the hospital are more comfortable than Jackie's one and Paul's one. I just want them to have a romantic night.
A: Even if it is true, Paul will not do so, not to mention that the bed is not so comfortable as you have mentioned. I have once stayed in the hospital, the bed are so hard, and the medical staff are so rule. Especially those who work in ER. They just come in the room without knocking the door. Once they are free, they just go into the room and find some patients to be their patner.
H: You think that they do not care about you. Let have a try on next year Valentine's Day, I promise you there will be the head of ER accompany you the whole night. ......
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