[妙手] 【原创】【连载】The Moon in the Blue

[妙手] 【原创】【连载】The Moon in the Blue

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It is the first time that I write a story for you all. I always think about how would Annie live if Henry is not being with her. I hope you would enjoy it.

[left]Dear apple!We always know you are a lovely friend.We are glad to see your story about Annie.It's a good story.Sorry I'm not good at English,so I just prize you with 100 virtual money.Looking forwatd to your continuing! +100魔法币 By Felin[/left]
[left] [/left]
[left]Sorry for wirting in english. As I am wirting to you all in HK, and I don't know how to type in simplified chinese characters, therefore I have to wirte in english. Thank you to  Patton. You are really a great translator![/left]
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[FONT=Century Gothic][FONT=Times New Roman][FONT=Lucida Console][COLOR=Pink][FONT=Lucida Sans Unicode]God Bless You All !~~~~~~Myownapple[/FONT][/COLOR][/FONT][/FONT][/FONT]

回复: 【原创】【连载】The Moon in the Blue


我也忘记前面的内容了……你说Helen和Paul?天哪,你不要吓我我这就去重看一遍。[/QUOTE]這裡的zoe我不喜歡,是因爲她和henry有那麽點曖昧,annie認爲她是henry的新女朋友,不過好像henry還沒有承認。不過zoe和annie 説話的時候,已經很拽了。。。。。
我認爲paul 和helen會有什麽,是因爲annie 對helen 說了一句:你很像他以前的女朋友。。。


回复: 【原创】【连载】The Moon in the Blue




回复: 【原创】【连载】The Moon in the Blue

summer vacation coming soon......


回复: 【原创】【连载】The Moon in the Blue

27<SUP>th</SUP> September( Tue)

13:00 Cafe

Finally, I can close the case file. Today, the judge had released the verdict, and of cause I had won the battle. After work, I had gone to the hospital and sat with Helen for a while. Looking at her, I found that we two have some similarities. We thought that we could win both in love fairs and in career. Yes, I have a little reputation among the barristers. However, it seems that every barristers have some friends who are doctors. And now Helen enters the hospital on the first working day. Finally, she asked the same question yesterday she had asked.

“ You said that you know someone died because of her boyfriend. Then what about him now?”

“Why do you want to know it?”

“You promised me that you would tell me the whole story yesterday. You want to break your promise?”

“But you need to clarify yourself when you ask one question. If you cannot even answer my question, how can you be a barrister?” I laughed when I told her.

“Do you think that Philip will have a similar future like him? What does he do?”

“A job that you fimilar with.. Doctor working in the emergency room.”

Just at this moment. I saw Paul coming in. I introduced Paul to Helen, and he sat beside me.

Helen is always the one who speak first.

“You Annie has a lot of friends in this hospital, hasn’t you?”

“Annie’s brother worked with me in the past, but he died from HIV.” Paul helped me to answer her.

“Paul, do you know who works in the emergency room of this hospital?”

“I don’t know what do you mean. Maybe I should leave now. I have a meeting which all the department head will attend. Have a good time.”

Paul left with apology in his eyes.

“Why he seems like that he doesn’t want to mention the staff in A&E? Does it because of your present?”

“What are you talking about?”

“You know what I mean. In university, my professor has taught me how to find the truth from asking witnesses.”

“You somehow like the former girlfriend of Paul. You always want to know more about others’ personal affairs. However, she was as kind as you. She was my best friend in the past. But she had also died four years ago in a fire.”

“Was she also a doctor?Did she work with the doctor we have talked about?”

“It's  time for me to go. I will come tomorrow.”

You see. How cute is this girl. Maybe she can know all my things before she left the hospital.

Sorry for all of you to wait. I don't know why the homework never let me go. I know that the significantly important examination is waiting for me a year later. But I promise I will finish it before summer holiday ends......
Thank you for all who give me information. They will appear in it sooner or later......
[FONT=Century Gothic][FONT=Times New Roman][FONT=Lucida Console][COLOR=Pink][FONT=Lucida Sans Unicode]God Bless You All !~~~~~~Myownapple[/FONT][/COLOR][/FONT][/FONT][/FONT]


回复: 【原创】【连载】The Moon in the Blue

[QUOTE=myownapple]If you do not ask me, I will not think about the ending first. However, I will not promise you that the ending would not be as happy as others story in this City. Nevertheless, the ending will be more romantic than in Rome or in Florence.

Besides, would you all mind telling me more about Shanghai and Beijing, for example, hotels, shopping centers...... especially where is the set scene of the War and Beauty! Thank you![/QUOTE]這個城市的故事都是happy的吗?不覺得阿,我身邊的朋友又有幾個愛的不辛苦啊?
the War and Beauty應該是在浙江橫店影視基地拍攝的吧,和北京上海應該沒有什麽關係。





回复: 【原创】【连载】The Moon in the Blue

Besides, would you all mind telling me more about Shanghai and Beijing, for example, hotels, shopping centers...... especially where is the set scene of the War and Beauty! Thank you![/QUOTE]
As far as I know, the exterior shots of War and Beauty were taken in Forbidden City, Beijing. A few years ago I've visited there, so amazing architecture!

BTW, the shoping center in Beijing: the famous is of course 王府井(wang fu jing)and 西单(xi dan)

hope the info above will be helpful!:em03:


回复: 【原创】【连载】The Moon in the Blue

[QUOTE=myownapple]Acturally, I only want to find a place for " Annie" to live when she travelled to Shanghai and Beijing, nothing more. I will make use of the information and decide which is the bast. Thanks a lot![/QUOTE]
I see. Then omit St. Regis, Grand Hyatt and even Westin since I do not like their locations. The rest of the hotels in my list are all located in places I love a lot, which are elegant and peaceful places in downtown area in Shanghai.  

And I was surprised to see the "Zoe" in your story much resembling the "Zoe"  in Triumph in the Sky in appearance according to your description...  Seems that the story is driven to an unknown direction.   You know what, I like the feeling of uncertainty.  So, will keep my fingers crossed for Annie's future, be it good or bad.


回复: 【原创】【连载】The Moon in the Blue

[QUOTE=vlv]Here is my reply copied from 花神会 as follows:
Gosh, there is Sam and there is Zoe!!!~~~~~~~
Dear Apple, loved ur story and ur wording, you are not putting on airs, which I like very much~~~~especially sometimes I think you catch the spirit of Gary's HH1.
As for hotels in Shanghai, you may want to see below:
List for Hotels:
Portman, Westin, JC Mandarin, Garden, Hilton, Four Seasons, Grand Hyatt, St. Regis, Jinjiang, etc.[/QUOTE]

Acturally, I only want to find a place for " Annie" to live when she travelled to Shanghai and Beijing, nothing more. I will make use of the information and decide which is the bast. Thanks a lot!
[FONT=Century Gothic][FONT=Times New Roman][FONT=Lucida Console][COLOR=Pink][FONT=Lucida Sans Unicode]God Bless You All !~~~~~~Myownapple[/FONT][/COLOR][/FONT][/FONT][/FONT]


回复: 【原创】【连载】The Moon in the Blue

[QUOTE=myownapple]Besides, would you all mind telling me more about Shanghai and Beijing, for example, hotels, shopping centers...... especially where is the set scene of the War and Beauty! Thank you![/QUOTE]Here is my reply copied from 花神会 as follows:
Gosh, there is Sam and there is Zoe!!!~~~~~~~
Dear Apple, loved ur story and ur wording, you are not putting on airs, which I like very much~~~~especially sometimes I think you catch the spirit of Gary's HH1.
As for hotels in Shanghai, you may want to see below:
List for Hotels:
Portman, Westin, JC Mandarin, Garden, Hilton, Four Seasons, Grand Hyatt, St. Regis, Jinjiang, etc.


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