[妙手] 【原创】【连载】The Moon in the Blue

回复: 【原创】【连载】The Moon in the Blue

About some terms mentioned in apple's essay
Shatin is 沙田,which is one district of N.T.(new territory), Hong Kong.
MTR is Mass Transit Railway(地鐵公司).
Central is 中環,dim sum is 點心 pronounced in Cantonese which is also an English word
High Court is 高等法院 located in Admiraty(金鈡) just besides Central
The hospital of HH1 was chosen from a real life one named Alice Ho Miu Ling Nethersole Hospital located in Tai po which is also a district of N.T. in the north of Shatin. So probably casualties incured in Shatin will be sent to that hospital. Attached is the photo.
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回复: 【原创】【连载】The Moon in the Blue

9:00 咖啡店
12:30 餐廳
18:30 巴士
20:30 家


回复: 【原创】【连载】The Moon in the Blue

where is he?
where is he?????


回复: 【原创】【连载】The Moon in the Blue

15<SUP>th</SUP> September

9:00 Cafe

Today I got up at 7:30. Three days has passed and I think I cannot still be in a bad mood. I have to learn how to take care myself.

12:30 Restaurant

Today, my boss told me that he would like me to be the lawyer a woman. She is one of the victims’ relatives of the car accident three days ago. I was shocked at first, and I didn’t know whether I should refuse him or not. Usually, these kind of cases need to have the doctors of the emergency room as the consultant. Should I accept this job or not?

18:30 Bus

Finally, I denied taking the case. I told him that I would like to go for a long holiday after I finish my job which I am responsible for,which I just made up before him. Unfortunately, he believed my words, and he said he would arrange the date for me.   Why I had made up this reason? What will I do during the holiday? Maybe I can  travel around the world and visit my parents in USA.

20:30 Home

A minute ago, Paul called me again. He expressed his care to me, and he hope that he would meet me in the following week. He said he so sorry for what happen in the emergency room, but at that moment, I stopped him and said I didn’t want to listen. What was I saying? New Moon, can you ensure yourself that you can totally forget about him. I won’t, and I have no ability to do so.

Forget everything and continue to work. You have to attain a hearing tomorrow morning.
[FONT=Century Gothic][FONT=Times New Roman][FONT=Lucida Console][COLOR=Pink][FONT=Lucida Sans Unicode]God Bless You All !~~~~~~Myownapple[/FONT][/COLOR][/FONT][/FONT][/FONT]


回复: 【原创】【连载】The Moon in the Blue

插一句,angel hair就是那种很细很细的面条[:p]
另,楼上,我也更喜欢Annie Kong,嘻嘻。
想起来以前有个同学姓江,去了香港读law,现在香港当律师,上次回上海度假,给我的名片上赫然印着Annie Kong,真是弹眼落睛,她以前不叫这个英文名字的,都不知道是不是巧合,也没有贸然问她,呵呵。
跑题了,sorry apple。继续等着看你写的,我喜欢你写文用的那种淡淡的语气,真真是用零星琐碎的小事来隐蔽满腹心事,因为是第一人称,又不乏真情流露,果然是稀饭annie的好孩子


回复: 【原创】【连载】The Moon in the Blue

看apple 的文章,很奇怪的感觉~~~
因为她一直用“他 ”来指henry ~~~~
所以,annie 和我的距离很近~~

“Annie Lai "~~~呵呵~~~可是我更喜欢“Annie Kong"!


回复: 【原创】【连载】The Moon in the Blue


8点40 火车上

今天真倒霉。 我8点才起的床,9点半就赶着上庭。 我已经好久没用闹钟了。2天前还是靠他7点的时候给我moring call,叫我起床和他一起吃早餐。 看来等会下班了该去买个闹钟。

猜猜今天我在火车上遇到了谁。 1分钟前,有个小女孩突然走过来大声叫着我,“annie 黎,昨天你怎么没来看我?我有很多功课,我都不会做。”

她叫TRACY,她只有6岁却患有心脏病。在她还很小的时候她妈妈就去世了,因此他爸爸不得不担负起照顾她们4姐妹的重任。在过去的几年里,我只要一有时间就常常去幼儿园教她做功课。上个月她接受了一个手术,今天早上刚出的院。我真不明白为什么她不叫我annie 江呢?




12点 Cafe


我要了份tiramisu(不知道中文怎么翻,意大利点心)和一碟seafood angel hair(不知道是什么,sorry),以前每个星期天晚上我们都会在一起吃这些,那滋味是比一个人孤单的坐在这里吃好很多。。

晚上10点 家




回复: 【原创】【连载】The Moon in the Blue

14<SUP>th</SUP> September

08:40 Train

Today started with bad luck. I slept until 8:00 and I have to arrive at the High Court at 9:30. I have not used the alarm clock for a long time. Two days ago, he still made a morning call at about 7:00, and I could have spare time to take the breakfast with him. Maybe I should buy one after work tonight.

Guess who I met on train. A minutes ago, a girl suddenly came towards me and called me loudly, ”Annie Lai, why you didn’t visit me yesterday? I have got a lot of homework and I didn’t know how to do?”

She called Tracy. She is a six years old girl who suffers from heart disease. Her mother had died when she was young and her father had to take care another three daughters at home. Therefore, when I had time, I will go to the children’s ward and teach her to do the homework. Last month she had done a surgery, and she was released from hospital this morning. I really don't know why she don't call me Annie Kong?

“I was very busy yesterday, and I MAY not go to the hospital in the future. I give you my telephone no and you can call me freely if you have any problem with your homework.”

She nodded, and she and her father got off the train for the MTR.

I think about what I have said. Will I have a chance to see her in the hospital?

12:00 Café

The case this morning was not a nice battle. Although finally I won, I have no mood to celebrate. If I had not worked yesterday, I will lose it. Maybe I should forget about it. I need not to attend hearing, so I can leave my office tonight and have some shopping.

I have ordered a tiramisu and a dish of seafood angel hair. We made these two dishes together every Sunday night, and more delicious than what I am eating now.

22:00 Home

I left the office at about 20:00, and went for shopping in the plaza near my home. I have bought a lot of things. I used to have shopping with Jackie and this was the happiest time of us, with no male walking with us. I sometimes got shopping with him, but he walked without glancing the windows, let alone waiting for me when I was starring at the jewellery. I had never dreamed about enter the shop and came out with a ring. Perhaps I would not be so fortunate.

The most important thing that I have bought is the alarm clock. It is a clock in dark blue, with the Little Prince in the center. When it is the time to call me, there will be a rose coming out at the top of the clock, and the sound of the clock is just like a moving bells. Where is Little Prince now? Where is the full moon?
[FONT=Century Gothic][FONT=Times New Roman][FONT=Lucida Console][COLOR=Pink][FONT=Lucida Sans Unicode]God Bless You All !~~~~~~Myownapple[/FONT][/COLOR][/FONT][/FONT][/FONT]


回复: 【原创】【连载】The Moon in the Blue


It is the first time that I write a story for you all. I always think about how would Annie live if Henry is not being with her. I hope you would enjoy it.[left][/QUOTE][/left]


回复: 【原创】【连载】The Moon in the Blue

Thangk you for your English story about Annie&Henry!

I don't know whether there are many studens in Angel City or not,but I am a student.

I can practise my English reading in a spescial way.  I will look forward to the story everyday! beacuse this is about my favourite Healing Hands!  But for other reading passages in school,I really feel boring!

haha~thank you.....thank you!!!!!!!!


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