[妙手] 【原创】【连载】The Moon in the Blue

回复: 【原创】【连载】The Moon in the Blue


PAUL刚打电话给我,他约我晚上一起出去。我没答应,从他的语气里我听的出来他已经知道我和HENRY 之间的事情了,他希望我们3个仍然能是朋友,我答应了他。我告诉他,现在我只想做完我的工作,我还不想回忆过去的事。







回复: 【原创】【连载】The Moon in the Blue

Paul had just called me. He asked me whether I would go out and spend the night with him. I refused him. From his words, I knew that he had already been told about what happen between us, and he hoped that we three are still friends. I promised him, but I said I just want to finish my work. I just don’t want to think about my past.


I forgot to have my dinner again. I opened the refrigerator and took one packet of frozen dim sum out, put it into the microwave oven. Ding. Although I had already cooked it for 2 minutes, I still afraid the food was not hot enough.

“Remember to cook it for at least 2 minutes in fear that you would get sick after eating it. If you enter the hospital, I will have more work.”

I laughed. If I get sick now, would I like to enter the hospital?

I cooked it for 30 seconds more, and ate it. It tasted sweet at first, but then sour, bitter.
[FONT=Century Gothic][FONT=Times New Roman][FONT=Lucida Console][COLOR=Pink][FONT=Lucida Sans Unicode]God Bless You All !~~~~~~Myownapple[/FONT][/COLOR][/FONT][/FONT][/FONT]


回复: 【原创】【连载】The Moon in the Blue


下午1点 办公室

今天是中秋节。今天我打赢了场官司,我很高兴。我想我现在还去不了医院,下午我要搞定mr X的案子,晚上还想见见他。他应该知道他现在是我唯一的亲人了。我想我又开始想念Gil和jackie了。

下午5点 办公室

晚上9点 家

一轮满月高高的挂在深蓝的夜空。满月啊,你为什么不能下来陪陪我,安慰安慰我这个新月呢?你看到我哭泣么?小王子的b612行星又在哪呢?jackie 你现在又在哪里?在你走之前,你答应过我的 你要给我很多很多的铃铛。铃铛都在哪呢?我想听听他们的声音,那天使般的声音。夜空中的月和星星们,谁能告诉我,我为什么会这么孤单。他怎么就忍心让我离开?为什么我们就这样分开了?


今天是法定节假日。不用去工作。早上9点我就醒了,傻傻的待在床上待到了1点,直到我的胃咕咕直叫。我打开冰箱想找些冷冻食物煮来吃。那些他买给我的食物。 是的,在近来的几年,每周他都会给我买很多东西,冷冻事物,果汁,酒,点心等等,他很担心我因为没有时间去煮东西吃,弄坏身子。那。。都已成为往事了,想起这些我没心情吃东西了。





感谢 [url="http://only.lfan.net/member.php?u=139"]Patton[/url]同学所做的翻译,特奖励魔法币80                BY pauljackie,爱冰小熊
BTW: myownapple 同学能不能输中文?方便的话请输中文好吗?谢谢!


回复: The Moon in the Blue

13<SUP>th</SUP> September


Today is a public holiday. I need not go to work. This morning, I woke up at about 9 o’clock, but stay in bed until one o’clock, as I was already very hungry at that time. I opened the refrigerator and try to find some frozen food to eat. However, all of them are bought by him. Yes, in the past few years, he bought me a lot of things every week, frozen food, fruit juice, wine, snacks, etc. He was just afraid that I had no time to cook for myself. Yet, these days were gone. I have no mood to eat these things.

I turned on the television to watch the news.

“There was a car accident in Shatin. The casualties were sent to the XX Hospital. They all have been released after being treated in the Emergency Room… … ”

Yes, the doctors in this hospital cured the patients and left me alone.

I went to the plaza and bought a rice box for my lunch. I do not know why the taste of the food is so terrible. Maybe the major cook is in hospital… …
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回复: The Moon in the Blue

12<SUP>th</SUP> September

13:00 Office

Today is the Mid-autumn Festival. This morning I am very happy because I have won the case. I don’t think I should go to the hospital now. I have to finish Mr. X ‘s case in the afternoon and I will meet him tonight. He knows that he is my only relatives. I am thinking about my brother and Jackie again.

17:00 Office

I have just finished my work on time. He had called me at about 15:00 and he want to meet me at about 18:00 in Central. What will he prepare for me?

21:00 Home

Up in the sky, the full moon is hanging against the dark blue curtain. Full moon, why you do not come down and comfort your sister? Do you see your sister is crying? And where is the Asteroid B-612? Where are you, Jackie? You promise me you will give me a lot of bells after you have left. Where are they? I want to listen to their sound, the sound of angels. Moon and Star, tell me why I am alone? Why he lets me fly away? Why we have broken up?
[FONT=Century Gothic][FONT=Times New Roman][FONT=Lucida Console][COLOR=Pink][FONT=Lucida Sans Unicode]God Bless You All !~~~~~~Myownapple[/FONT][/COLOR][/FONT][/FONT][/FONT]


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