[妙手] 【原创】Looking back......

[妙手] 【原创】Looking back......

A few words only.
    Before Healing Hands, I had not watched any TVseries seriously.
    Changes came however. When I was still in primary school, studying under my mother's supervision in my parents' room. "If you have finished the homework, call me." So I did when my mother was watching TV.When I finished, I called my mother, but she just concentrated on the screen. Then I waited, watched the TV too.
    "Don't watch it."my mother said when Paul was kissing Annie. Yet, why I can't hear my mother's words? I began to pay more attention to Annie. I fell in love with Healing Hands.
    Every night, I watched TV when my mother didn't know. And everyday in school, I talked about Jackie and Paul with my friends. "It's so great!"
    For Jackie's fans, I have to say sorry. Ada had done a very great job, but in my heart, I care Annie more. And maybe because of this, I become Flora's fans, but it is not important here.
    Graduation of my primary education. One day, I found the Healing Hands I fiction in my school library. I quickly borrowed it and read it. I was so happy.
    Hence I found the art of Healing Hands.
    I love Annie most. She is the type of girls/characters that I can't imagine. She got most of the things that every women want. Money, beauty, career...... Most of the men want to be her friends. But why there is still sadness in her eyes? Yes, maybe most of the people around thought that I was a happy girl, but there were always some sadness in my heart. Or maybe this was the reason that I love Annie. She touched my heart at that time.
    Jackie was the second one that I like. She always cares about others. She is the one that touched most people heart. Her kindness is more than words.
    Keep on thinking, every characters had its own part in the story. Different people, different backgrounds, and different ages, different personalities makes the whole story to become more near to reality. However, is there any real people in our society as same as anyone in the story? Every time I watched the story again, some new ideas enter my brain. I am growing up, and I understand the story more and more. I learn from it. I continue to watch other Flora's work. I know Flora is improving, but I can't find the same feeling I get in Healing Hands I again.
    Looking back. I can now study by myself. Six years has already past.
    Maybe it is good for you to talk about why you watch Healing Hands the first time and why you like it so much. Maybe we can learn more from discussion.
    Now it is time to end. If you find any grammatical wrong, please remind me. I am still a student, and I am willing to learn from my mistake. Thank you!!!!
[FONT=Century Gothic][FONT=Times New Roman][FONT=Lucida Console][COLOR=Pink][FONT=Lucida Sans Unicode]God Bless You All !~~~~~~Myownapple[/FONT][/COLOR][/FONT][/FONT][/FONT]

回复: 【原创】Looking back......

那天很冷,在下雪。你自己一个人站在山顶,很孤独。你的手不断接着那些雪。我跑去山顶,你看着我。你跟我说,原来这世界没有不可能的事。我跟你说,有你的世界就会有奇迹。我相信,我相信这个世界是奇 迹的。我也相信,因为有你。:em03: :em15::em26::em22:


回复: 【原创】Looking back......

是仁爱的,是AFTER FIVE的,永远都是

要从心底拿走一个人 很痛 很难


回复: 【原创】Looking back......



回复: 【原创】Looking back......


既然你提到语法……我就又看了一遍,不知道是不是应该是pay attention to Annie,还有fell in love with Healing Hands……汗,我是不是在吹毛求疵,其实没关系,你的意思,我们理解,你的心情,我们懂得,这就够了。


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